Warren Buffet, Notorious Gold Hater, Finally Caves In And Joins The Party
“It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head”, said the bail-out baby in 98.
“It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head”, said the bail-out baby in 98.
Those holding fiat currencies suffer losses as far as their purchasing power is concerned, while people who hold assets that gain in price are on the receiving end.
In Venezuela, the stock market goes up because the currency devalues. The same is true worldwide.
The gold standard is the biggest threat conceivable for the 1% , their purchased politicians, economist lackeys and caputred MSM outlets.
Uday Kotak’s “daddy issues” with gold, explained.
France sent a warship to New York harbor in August 1971 and redeemed gold worth $191 million (1971 dollars).