[Video] The Stupidity of Price Controls
What are the effects of price controls? What happens when government impose maximum price or minimum price? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way !
What are the effects of price controls? What happens when government impose maximum price or minimum price? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way !
We are republishing the clip of the FinMin “scolding” the chairman of the SBI to ensure that it doesn’t get taken down from Youtube.
Why do some inventions change the lives of the people while others are abandoned and forgotten even if they are brilliant? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!
To understand the effects of State interventions we have to first understand state what capitalism and socialism really are. Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!
Inflation is about governments poofing money into existence to pay for things they can’t actually afford.
Is exporting more important than importing? Who benefits from tariffs and protectionism? Is international trade “evil”? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!