The Myth of “Monopolies” in Free Markets
Opponents of laissez faire have spooked public opinion with a combination of bad history and worse theory.
Opponents of laissez faire have spooked public opinion with a combination of bad history and worse theory.
Those holding fiat currencies suffer losses as far as their purchasing power is concerned, while people who hold assets that gain in price are on the receiving end.
The theme of the video was ‘The Recipe to Restore Growth and Prosperity’ in the context of the Covid crisis.
This optimistic essay, written in the depths of the Cold War, showed not only that several “communist” countries were actually practicing free market capitalism, but that the triumph of free markets was inevitable
Simply put, there is less prosperity in nations with big government compared to nations with small government.
Anybody who understands Bastiat’s example of the broken window fallacy understands more about life than most academics.